An integration is the entity for an app developed on the GitBook Integrations Platform
an integration to the GitBook Integrations Platform
an integration to the GitBook Integrations PlatformPublish an integration
Name of the integration.
Base64 content of the icon
Title of the integration
Description of the integration
Long form markdown summary of the integration
The target on which the integration can operate and needs to be configured for
Permissions that should be granted to the integration
Categories for which the integration is listed in the marketplace
Custom blocks defined by this integration.
External urls configured by the developer of the integration
Content of the script to use
The ID or subdomain of the organization under which the integration should be published
Secrets stored on the integration and passed at runtime.
Security policy to validate the content of the integrations scripts and Contentkit. Will be sent as headers when processing the script fetch event and the blocks fetch events.
Unique named identifier for the integration
Version of the integration
Title of the integration
Description of the integration
Long form markdown summary of the integration
URLs of images to showcase the integration
The target on which the integration can operate and needs to be configured for
If true, the integration has been verified by the GitBook team
Permissions that should be granted to the integration
Categories for which the integration is listed in the marketplace
Custom blocks defined by this integration.
External urls configured by the developer of the integration
URLs associated with the object
The set of permissions for the integration
Security policy to validate the content of the integrations scripts and Contentkit. Will be sent as headers when processing the script fetch event and the blocks fetch events.
an integration from the GitBook Integrations Platform
an integration from the GitBook Integrations PlatformUnpublish an integration
Name of the integration.
Integration has been deleted
Last updated