17 December: Visual upgrades, table improvements and more

We’ve made some visual upgrades to published docs sites, added content breadcrumbs, made tables more consistent, and added new ways to style text in comments

✨ New and noteworthy

Visual upgrades for docs sites

This week, we’ve released a few visual improvements for docs sites.

First, the Tint color customization option now has more choices. Set it to Primary and the background of your docs site will subtly tint to match your primary theme color. Alternatively, choose Custom to select a different color to use as the background, and across your site — such as in tables (more about tables below).

You can find and enable the Tint color option in your site’s Customization menu, in the General > Themes section.

Your site header also now has a more modern look. It now features translucency, a new search bar, an a more flexible layout across screen sizes — especially on small and tiny screens.

Finally, we’ve updated the link styles of the footer to match those of pages and groups, to give a more consistent look and feel.

A before and after comparison of footer links in published docs. Links now match your chosen link style for pages and groups.

Site-level breadcrumbs

You may have noticed that we now show breadcrumbs at the top of your pages in GitBook. By default it will show the page group title, but for nested pages it will also show the parent pages, including their page icon or emoji. You can click any of the breadcrumbs to jump to that page or the top of the group.

Subpages and pages in page groups will now show breadcrumbs at the top, making it easier to navigate between levels.

More consistent tables

This week we’ve released a bunch of improvements to tables to make them more consistent.

  • First, tables that are smaller than the page will now appear at the same width when published — rather than increasing it to the width of the block as it did before.

  • Likewise, if you set custom column widths by dragging the separator, this will now be respected in the published site.

  • We also know that text-wrapping in cells was too aggressive, so we’ve fixed that to make better use of available space.

  • On top of that, we’ve updated table styles for published content. The table header will now adopt your tint color — if you’ve enabled it in your site’s Customization screen — and it’ll also respect your selected corner style.

Bold, italic, code and lists in comments

You can now use Markdown to apply styling to text in comments. As well as bold, italic and code styling, you can also create bulleted and numbered lists in comments. Plus, we made pasted URLs clickable in comments so you can open them more easily.

Use Markdown to style text in comments.

Our own docs just got better

We’ve spent the last few weeks improving our own docs with new information, improved images, and more details to help you find the information you need faster.

You might also have noticed a couple of new site sections at the top of this page — Guides and Help Center. Guides includes a range of tutorials and advice to help you make your docs the best they can be in GitBook, and Help Center is there to answer your questions and solve issues as you run into them.

Take a look around — we hope you like the changes we’ve made. We’ll be adding to these sections regularly going forward, so stay tuned for more!

  • You can now add image blocks within a stepper block. Before, the images could only be inline, which meant they were small on the page. Now you can add an image block, so it’ll span the full width of the stepper block.

  • Your GitBook Home page will now also show sites, as well as spaces — so you can jump to them faster.

  • We’ve updated our Pricing page within the app to make it easier to browse and to update information to include all our latest features.

  • Fixed the Join organization button after you created an account from a join link. Before it would add you to the organization in backend but not refresh the page — now it works as expected.

  • Fixed a bug that hid the names of teams in the teams Settings table when you viewed all teams without searching.

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent you from updating your account’s email address in some situations.

  • Fixed a bug with site customizations that would prevent some settings from applying to all spaces if a single space had overridden that setting.

  • Fixed a bug that meant, when hovering over a reaction on a comment, there was no tooltip showing who reacted. Now the user(s) who reacted will appear again.

  • Fixed a bug that kept live edits locked in a space even after you unpublished every site it’s linked to.

  • Fixed a bug that could prevent you from commenting when viewing changes in a change request.

We’re constantly working on improving the way you and your team work in GitBook, and value your input on features, bugs, and more. Make sure you head to our official GitBook community to join the discussion.

Last updated

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