What happens to my content if an account or organization is deleted?

If your content was deleted as a result of deleting an organization, all content associated with that organization is also permanently removed. We are unable to restore any content that was deleted in this manner.

Can I restore my lost or deleted space?

If your missing content was deleted less than seven days ago, you may restore it from your Trash.

Review and restore recently deleted spaces.

What happens to my content if my account is deleted?

Deleting an account will result in the permanent deletion of all the data and files associated with it. This means if you're the only member in an organization, all content in your organization will also be deleted. If you recreate your account, the deleted content won't reappear.

Does all content get deleted if a user in an organization deletes their account?

If the account is the sole member of an organization, all of its content will be deleted. However, if the account was part of an organization with multiple members, any content within that organization, including contributions from the deleted account, will remain intact.

Last updated

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