How to unpublish a site?

You can unpublish an entire site or remove a linked space, anytime. This action does not affect your billing. To adjust the number of sites, go to the billing tab in your organization settings.

Unpublish a site

  1. Navigate to the Docs Sites option in the left-hand panel under the Home section.

  2. Select the specific site you wish to unpublish by clicking on it.

  3. Locate the Unpublish option under the title of your docs site. Click on this option and confirm your decision to unpublish the site.

  4. Once confirmed, the site will not be accessible to external visitors.

Multiple spaces linked?

To remove a linked space from your site without unpublishing the entire site, navigate to the settings menu in the top right corner of the site dashboard. Scroll down to the content section, then select Remove from Site. This will unlink the space from the site, without deleting your content.

Last updated

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