Why does my URL have this path?

Depending on where you've set your domain, it will have the following structure:

  • Organization: organization-name/collection-name/site-name/page-group/page

  • Docs site: site-name/page-group/page

Our documentation can help you decide where to set your custom domain.

I have set the domain at the organization level.

If you have set your domain at the organization level, your URL will have a path consisting of:

  • Your organization domain, for example:docs.example.com

  • Site name, for example API Documentation

Resulting in a URL that would look like this: docs.example.com/API-Documentation

How to set a domain without a path

To create a domain without a path, remove it from organization settings and assign it to the corresponding Site.

  1. Click on your organization settings, which you can find at the bottom of your sidebar.

  2. In general, scroll down to the publishing section. This is where your organization's custom domain is set. You can delete it by clicking the X button.

  3. Once the domain has been removed from the organization, navigate to the Site where you would like to set the domain and click the share button.

  4. Click on publish to the web - you will see the option to customize your URL and connect a domain.

  5. Please ensure you have connected the domain and allocated sufficient time for the changes to propagate.

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