Deciding where to set the custom domain

There are three levels at which a custom domain can be set:

This page provides more information about each of the options to help you decide where you want to set your custom domain.

Organization-level custom domains

Because organizations contain collections and/or spaces, any custom domain set for the organization will have an effect on the domain for all collections and spaces within it, unless overridden by a custom domain set for a specific collection or space owned by the same organization.

It’s important to note that the custom domain you set will _not_** be used as-is for any space within the organization**. Instead, each space will use the domain in this format: [customdomain]/[spaceURL]. The spaceURL part cannot be empty, and is set in the link and domain settings for each space.

If you’ve decided that you want to set a custom domain at the organization level, you can go to the next step for the details on how to set it. If you’re not sure, keep reading to review your other options.

Collection-level custom domains

Because collections contain spaces, any custom domain set for the collection will have an effect on the domain for all spaces within it, unless overridden by a custom domain for a specific space within that collection.

It’s important to note that the custom domain you set will be used as-is for the _default_** space in the collection**. Other spaces in the collection will have a URL in this format: [yourcustomdomain]/v/[spaceURL]. The spaceURL part cannot be empty, and is set in the link and domain settings for each space.

If you’ve decided that you want to set a custom domain at the collection level, you can go to the next step for the details on how to set it. If you’re not sure, keep reading to review your final option.

Space-level custom domains

A custom domain set at the space level can override a custom domain set at the collection level (if the space is part of a collection) or at the organization level (if the space is owned by an organization).

The custom domain you set will be used exactly as-is for the space.

If you’ve decided that you want to set a custom domain at the space level, you can go to the next step for the details on how to set it.

Last updated