Integrations FAQ

Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on our Integrations Platform.

What integrations are available?

We have a number of different verified integrations available from our marketplace. Visit our listing page to see what integrations you can install.

Can I build my own integration?

Our integration platform is currently available to anyone with a GitBook account! Head to our integrations page or visit our developer documentation to learn more.

Can I request an integration?

Yes! You can submit an integration request using this form. Additionally, you can always head to our GitBook community to chat with others about what you’d like to see in GitBook.

Can I customize GitBook using CSS, JavaScript or other programming languages?

Right now, it’s not possible to customize your GitBook site as you may have seen or heard about in the past. In an earlier and open-sourced version of GitBook this was possible, but with the current version, this functionality was removed.

You can read more about this change here.

What happened to GitBook’s CLI tool?

GitBook’s CLI tool is not currently supported in the latest version of the GitBook platform. Most of the features previously supported by the CLI are now supported by our GitHub and GitLab Sync integrations.

Content hosted on the will continue working until further notice.

Last updated

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#359: SplitBook Update

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