Ordered lists

Add an ordered list to a page to create instructions or steps — perfect when you need to write a guide.

Ordered lists, also called numbered lists, help you prioritize items or create a list of steps.

Example of ordered list

  1. Item 1

    1. Nested item 1.1

      1. Nested item 1.1.1

    2. Nested item 1.2

  2. Item 2

  3. Item 3

To create nested items, you can use Tab to indent and ⇧ + Tab to outdent.

Representation in Markdown

1. Item 1
   1. Nested item 1.1
      1. Nested item 1.1.1
   2. Nested item 1.2
2. Item 2
3. Item 3

Adding an inline image to an ordered list

A common pattern in documentation is adding images throughout ordered lists to help guide users with screenshots or diagrams.

Let's say we want to add an image below the second item in our ordered list. In order to accomplish this in GitBook, on the row below the image you would type 3. and then hit space, and the ordered list would continue.

  1. Item 1

  2. Item 2

  1. Item 3

  2. Item 4

Last updated