Install and manage integrations

Install an integration in a single space, or all the spaces in your organization

There are many different integrations available in GitBook. From interactive content blocks to advanced analytics tools, your favorite tools are only a click away from integrating with GitBook.

You can install an integration in a single space, multiple spaces, or all the spaces across your organization.

If you install an integration in a single space, it will only work in that specific space. By installing an integration in multiple spaces, you’ll be able to perform actions across all those spaces.

Browse GitBook's built in integration library.

Install an integration in your organization

1. Open the integrations menu

Before enabling an integration into a space or site, you'll need to install it in your organization. Start by clicking Integrations section in the sidebar on the left.

2. Select the integration and install

Next, click on the integration you want to install. Certain integrations work can be installed for your spaces, and others for your published documentation.

On this screen you can select the areas you would like to install your integration in.

Choose an area to install an integration in.

3. Configure your integration

You can now use your integration. Certain integrations may require extra configuration. If so, you’ll see a message asking you to configure your integration in your space or site.

View the integration’s instructions to learn more about configuring it for your team.

Last updated

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